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Payment Policy:
Payment to be made upon receipt of invoice issuance. Exhibitor subscriptions are only reserved upon payment confirmation.
Ticket Sales for Summit Passes & VIP Passes are non-refundable and final.

Exhibitor Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation of a registered exhibitor / delegate require a written notice. If the written notice is received more than one month prior to the event date, a credit note worth 80% of the total exhibitor / delegate fee will be issued for use at another event to take place within 12 calendar months from date of issuance. The remaining 20% will be retained for Coinverse Summit Charges. If written notice is received one month or less from the event date, no credit note will be issued.

Program Changes/Postponement Policy:
Please note that all speakers and topics are tentative and subject to change. Circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitution, alteration, or cancellation of the speakers/topics. As such Coinvserse reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers/topics if necessary.

Event Cancellation or Date Change:
If Coinverse requires a postponement for any reason that is beyond the control of the organizers and a paid exhibitor / delegate is unable to attend the event on a newly scheduled date, a credit note of 100% of the exhibitor invoice fee will be issued. This credit note can be used for another event to take place within 12 calendar months from the date of issuance.

Event Data Protection Policy:
Coinverse reserves the right to amend or cancel any Event, Event times, dates or published prices. Changes to Event prices, times and dates will be advised before the Event start date and any Event already paid in full will not be subject to the increased price. As an Event may be cancelled or date change up to 10 days prior to its start date, we recommend that delegates do not make travel or accommodation arrangements before this time. Any travel or accommodation costs incurred are entirely the delegate’s responsibility. Coinverse does not accept any liability for reimbursement of any costs incurred whatsoever in relation to its Events. Where an Event has been cancelled, delegates will be offered an alternative date for the same Event, a credit towards another Event or a refund.
Coinverse accepts no liability if an event is cancelled or postponed for reasons beyond our reasonable control resulting from an act of God, governmental regulation, fire, war, terrorist activity or civil commotion.

Event Data Protection Policy:
The personal data that we collect from you and hold is important to us and is handled in accordance with our Privacy Statement. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Where we ask you to provide information by which you can be identified you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

Coinverse Brand Ownership Information:
Coinverse is a brand that is run and owned by BlocksGenie Technologies PVT LTD (An Asian Company).

If you have any questions regarding T&E, please email us at

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